Holistic Inner Life Guidance

Inner Life Guidance

Holistic Inner Life Guidance

Inner Life Guidance

"That which you do not embrace imprisons you."

Inner Life Guidance

The essence of our work together is to love everything. This love empties all that which is blocking your bliss. You are this Love. You are the greatest Truth.

Our focus – in an Inner Life Guidance session – is to assist you in connecting to your true Self. This is the place that doesn’t evaluate or judge, but rather experiences life {as it is} in every moment. For most of our existence, unconscious patterns run our life {and often ruin our life}. Making the unconscious conscious is key to creating the space for lasting joy to arise.

You are guided to:

  • insightfully investigate what is running in you unconsciously.
  • delve deeply and courageously into uncharted territory. 
  • embody and feel the pain and separation – all of it. 
  • love whatever is present – in life and in your heart.

This encourages the “conditioned” and the “conditional” to move and empty. The space made by this emptying can now be inhabited by your essence – Love. 

This is the process of reclaiming the life that you are truly meant to live. The wisdom and power of the Love that you are can now express as your life. 

The Process

In a process that has infinite possibilities, you may notice a session of Inner Life Guidance take shape in this way:


Through prayer and Presence, entering into a resonant field with each other and All That Is. Creating a safe container for exploration.


Speaking freely & listening to what the Subconscious says. What are you needing? What are your dreams? What “appears” to be in the way?


What wishes to be known? Inhibited feelings, emotional wounds and traumas that have been denied. Courageously witness those parts.


Become intimate with what is discovered. Give compassion and forgiveness. Be with discomfort. Make peace with the pain.


Being with defensive patterns as they arise. Learning to identify dissociative practices. Developing self-awareness and empowered engagement.


Allowing the natural movement or expansion (or no movement). Allowing deeper feelings to arise & Loving Presence to hold you.


"Letting go" of what wishes to move out, to be free, no longer attached to your experience of life. That which has served, but no longer does.


Acknowledging this new relationship with all parts of self and a bolstered ability to trust your own process, now and anytime.

Your New Powers

Inner Life Guidance is about awakening the Infinite Possibilities of your unique Soul.

Many experience a combination of the following:

By Donation

1st Session is complimentary
Successive sessions are by donation

A Note About Donations

~ Market rate for my services is $95. Sessions run from 1 – 1.5 hrs.

~ My services are offered with generosity and care in support of your needs and dreams. I want you to get what you want and need from our work together.

~ In return, I want you to give me what you can afford. Not what you think I might want but what you can truly afford. Your gift to me can change according to your circumstances.